Source: Houston Whatever Fest
When you say “Whatever” in the context of Houston Whatever Fest, don’t think of the world-weary ‘whatever’ you sigh through in your vocabulary. Remember back when you were full of angst for the human condition? Following up an epic door slam with “Whatever, Mom and Dad!” just felt right! It is with this same fervor, though hopefully we’ve learned to handle the angst, that Houston Whatever Fest brings you a whole lot of ‘WhatEVER!’ (to be yelled with great energy!)
It’s being called Houston’s ‘Music and Comedy Super-Block Party,’ and this year it is time for Houston’s debut! For two whole days on August 9th and 10th beginning at 12 pm, a large block in East Downtown is fenced off and five stages are erected. It’s like any committed music festival, but there’s something for everyone: from local talent to international stars.
The comedic talent shines, too, with guests from HBO’s “Silicon Valley,” and an impressive slew of other famous names. You’re pretty much guaranteed a good time, even if you never listen to a note of music.

Source: Houston Whatever Fest, Facebook
Remember when FPSF was a baby and it only cost $55 to go? Me neither, making this one of the most affordable concerts with a multitude of acts hitting the stages. You can even cut the cost if you choose to attend only one day for $35.
Tickets are not restricted to 18+: the festival is for all ages, and with the diversity of genres, you’ll get to enjoy one band with your Scene Kid doppelganger and another with the girls in the Urban Outfitters flower crowns. There’s no one-kind of festival-goer to this party. It doesn’t matter what you want to hear! They’ve got whatever you want!
With over 30 different genres of music represented and more than 30 different comedians booked, you’re sure to have a good time, no matter what your taste. To read the full line up go to Houstonwhateverfest.com—you’ll find me at Kreayshawn on Sunday! I don’t have to explain my music taste! Whatever mom!
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